Battle of Bosworth by Brian Palmer. [Postcard]
Battle of Bosworth by Brian Palmer. [Postcard]
In 1485, the Lancastrian contender for the throne of England, Henry Tudor, sailed from France with a small force of mainly continental mercenaries determined to wrestle the crown from Richard III. Gathering many supporters along the way he eventually arrived at Bosworth with an army numbering 5000 against Richards 8000. Things began well enough for Richard but it became apparent during the battle that the neutral Stanley Brothers, Sir William Stanley and Lord Thomas Stanley and their men who had remained on the sidelines, had elected to fight for Henry. Richard charged for Henry in person but was overwhelmed and killed. He was the last English King to die in battle. Although not the final battle of the War of the Roses, the victory for Henry at Bosworth secured the crown and began the Tudor dynasty.
Postcard Size - 6" x 4"