The Battle of Stirling Bridge by Brian Palmer. [Postcard]
The Battle of Stirling Bridge by Brian Palmer. [Postcard]
After Edward 1st proclaimed himself King of Scotland Sir William Wallace rallied Scots in the South West and began attacking English occupying forces around Scotland. Edward I ordered the Earl of Surrey to put down the rebellion, after taking the surrender of rebel forces at Irvine the Earl of Surrey marched against William Wallaces forces at Stirling. He ordered his army to cross the narrow bridge over the Forth River near the Abbey of Cambuskenneth on September 11th. From a vantage point overlooking the bridge William Wallace watched and waited until the English army of 5,000 had crossed Stirling bridge and with the bridge being crowded with troops he launched his attack with his entire force wiping out the entire bridgehead. The rest of the English army fell back but William Wallace pursued. After this defeat English forces were evacuated south as far as the River Tweed.
Postcard Size - 6" x 4"